Organic Methods Of Brinjal Cultivation in Home Terrace – Eggplant Cultivation Using Organic Methods

Brinjal Aka Eggplant Is a Common Vegetable Using Worldwide and It can Be Very Easily Cultivate. Brinjal is available in lot of varieties and color. White, Purple, Long, Short, Tomato Shaped etc are some of them. From here you can check the Brinjal cultivation in Organic Methods. Seeds of brinjaal is using and you can plant the seeds in seed trays or grow bag. We have posted about grow bag and you can check the post grow bag for more details.
Growing eggplants
Its better to put the Seeds in water or Pseudomonas fluorescens solution for some hours. This will help the germination in fast and we will get healthy plants. If you are dipping the seeds in Pseudomonas solutions the result will be more effective. Plants will get resisting power to fight against deceases. you can take 50-100 ml of water and add 2 gms of Pseudomonas and dilute it. Then you can put the seeds in solution for 6 hours. Then you can take it and put it in seeding trays or grow bags.

Best practices
Usually brinjal/eggplant seeds germinate in 7 to 14 days. After 3-4 weeks you can take it from the seeding trays and plant in grow bags. If you put the seeds directly in grow bags keep 2-3 plants per bags. You can fill the potting mix in grow bags and plant the brinjal seeding. Grow bags can be fill with soil, peat, vermi compost, dried cow dung etc. you can a handful of neam cake in each grow bag that will prevent the attacks from soil and boost the plant growing. We have already posted about a list of organic fertilizers here and you can use the same for brinjal cultivation.

Eggplant Diseases – Damping Off, Leaf spot, Fruit Rot, Verticillium Wilt, Bacterial Wilt, Mosaic etc. We will post soon more details of Controlling Diseases in brinjal cultivation.
i like it very much, its so tasty.